What is a central venous catheter?
Central venous catheters are a special type of
intravenous catheter(tube) which are usually inserted in the operating room. Also called a
central line,
Central venous catheter is a long, thin, flexible tube used to give medicines, fluids,nutrients, or blood products over a long period of time, usually several weeks or more. They are threaded through a vein in the neck (the external or internal jugularvein) or a vein in the upper chest under the collar bone (the subclavianvein) into a large central vein in the chest (the superior vena cava).
catheter may be inserted into the neck if it will be used onlyduring a hospital stay.

Product Features:
1. Cannula made of high quality stainless steel
2. Size: 14G, 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G, 24G